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Product Information

Everything you wanted to know about HUUGs!

What kind of bra is HUUG?

HUUG bras are anything you want them to be. Our bras are designed for everyday wear and light to medium activity.

Are your materials body safe?

Our materials are BPA free, non-toxic and hypoallergenic. Not only do our garments look great but they feel great when wearing.

What materials and fabrics do you use?

Foam pads? We don't know her. HUUG uses a patent-pending mesh liner, that is breathable, quick-dry, and can be machine washed and dried. Our Lycra-branded nylon fabric is buttery soft for comfort, and offers unique stretch that embraces your body no

How do you ensure quality?

HUUG has partnered with factories that we believe in. We implement rigorous quality control within our factories to ensure that our bras are not just nice to look at, but will last a long time. To top it off, we will always prioritize quality and fit

How should I care for my HUUG bra?

It's easy! Our bras can be washed in cold water and tumble dried on the low setting. Our mesh liners are bonded into the garments, so no worries about pesky lost or shifted foam pads.

What are you sustainability practices?

For the moment, HUUG has committed to using recyclable packaging. We're always looking for ways to improve, and you can bet that we will implement anything we can to ensure that you enjoy the HUUG experience while also being gentle on the planet.

Are HUUG bras padded?

HUUG bras are lightly lined. The patent-pending mesh liners are designed to contribute light support and shaping.